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홈 뉴스 공지사항
10.23 2012

호주 수출용 토마토종자 수출식물검역증 부기사항 알림

호주 수출용 토마토종자 수출식물검역증명서 부기사항 알림
  1. 호주의 수입 토마토종자 검역강화조치와 관련됩니다
  2. 호주로 토마토종자의 수출시 수출식물검역증명서의 부기사항을 아래와 같이 알려드립니다.

One of the following additional declarations concerning Pepino mosaic virus:

‘The tomato seed in lot(s) … … … (insert lot numbers) of variety … … … (insert variety name) in the

consignment grown in … … … (insert name of country) was tested by … … … (insert name of testing

laboratory) for Pepino mosaic virus and found to be free of the virus by using the ELISA test method

of the Manual of Seed Health Testing Methods of the International Seed Federation (version 4, March

2011) on a sample of 3000 seeds drawn from the consignment and divided and tested as sub-samples

of no more than 250 seeds.’


‘The tomato seed in lot(s) ... ... ... (insert lot numbers) of name ... ... ... (insert name) in the consignment

grown in ... ... ... (insert name of country) was tested for Pepino mosaic virus and found to be free of the

virus by using a reverse-transcription PCR test for the virus on a sample of 3000 seeds drawn from the lot

and divided and tested as sub-samples of no more than 400 seeds.’


‘The tomato seed in lot(s) ... ... ... (insert lot numbers) of name ... ... ... (insert name) in the consignment

was grown in ... ... ... (insert name of country) in an area that is free of Pepino mosaic virus based on an

official survey for the virus using an ELISA or reverse transcription PCR test for the virus.’


‘The tomato seed in lot(s) ... ... ... (insert lot numbers) of name ... ... ... (insert name) in the consignment

was grown in ... ... ... (insert name of country) in a place of production that is free of Pepino mosaic virus,

based on an official survey for the virus using an ELISA or reverse transcription PCR test for the virus.’


‘The tomato seed in lot(s) ... ... ... (insert lot numbers) of name ... ... ... (insert name) in the consignment

was derived from maternal parent plants grown in ... ... ... (insert name of country) all of which were tested

by ... ... ... (insert name of testing laboratory) for Pepino mosaic virus at the end of the growing period of the

parent plants and found free of the virus using an ELISA or reverse transcription PCR test for the virus.’

AND One of the following additional declarations concerning Potato spindle tuber viroid:

‘The tomato seed in lot(s) ... ... ... (insert lot numbers) of name ... ... ... (insert name) in the consignment

was grown in ... ... ... (insert name of country) was tested for Potato spindle tuber viroid and was found to

be free of the viroid by using a reversetranscription PCR test for the viroid on a sample of 20,000 seeds

drawn from the lot and divided and tested as sub-samples of no more than 400 seeds’


‘The tomato seed in lot(s) ... ... ... (insert lot numbers) of name ... ... ... (insert name) in the consignment

was grown in ... ... ... (insert name of country) in an area that is free of Potato spindle tuber viroid, based

on an official survey for the viroid using a reverse transcription PCR test for the viroid.’


‘The tomato seed in lot(s) ... ... ... (insert lot numbers) of name ... ... ... (insert name) in the consignment

was grown in ... ... ... (insert name of country) in a place of production that is free of Potato spindle tuber

viroid, based on an official survey for the viroid using a reverse transcription PCR test for the viroid.’


‘The tomato seed in lot(s) ... ... ... (insert lot numbers) of name ... ... ... (insert name) in the consignment

was derived from maternal and paternal parent plants grown in ... ... ... (insert name of country) all of which

were tested for Potato spindle tuber viroid at the end of the growing period of the parent plants and found

free of the viroid using a reverse transcription PCR test for the viroid.’



*출처 : http://www.aqis.gov.au/icon32/asp/ex_topiccontent.asp    

'호주 수출용 토마토종자 수출식물검역증 부기사항 알림' 저작물은 "공공누리 4유형 출처표시 + 상업적 이용금지 + 변경금지" 조건에 따라 이용할 수 있습니다.

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